16 Days of Action Campaign
25th November to 10th December
In Ireland, one in five women experience domestic violence during their lifetime, and it is estimated that 213,000 women in Ireland are living with severe abuse from their boyfriends, husbands or partners.
Since 1996, Women's Aid has used the 16 Days Campaign to raise awareness of the reality of domestic violence and to push for positive change to increase women's safety.
In Headford the campaign was launched this week by Jackie Carroll from Waterside House (Domestic Abuse Refuge & Outreach Service). John Middleton from Solas Family Resource Centre explained that by launching the 16 Days Campaign it is hoped that the silence surrounding domestic violence will be broken and that a greater awareness of the prevalence of domestic violence against women will be raised in the community.
Solas Family Resource Centre has a window display for the 16 Days highlighting the terrible reality of this issue. At the launch, members of the Headford community released balloons in solidarity with abused women.
The 16 Days of Action run from 25th November, UN Day Opposing Violence Against Women, to 10th December, Human Rights Day. The campaign highlights the link between violence against women and human rights. Today, women and girls are subjected to many forms of human rights violations solely on the basis of their gender.
These are just a few of the frightening statistics:
- 1 in 5 women suffer from domestic abuse – This number has been validated by European research carried out in 28 countries.
- 204 women have been murdered in Ireland since 1996. – 53% of those were murdered by a current or ex-partner.
- 1 in 8 women have been abused while pregnant – Rotunda Hospital study
- In just one day 22 pregnant women looked for safety refuge in Ireland.
- 17,254 calls to Women’s Aid national free phone helpline
- One in four people across the EU knows a woman among friends or in the family circle who is a victim of domestic violence. One person in five knows of someone who commits domestic violence in their circle of friends and family. [Special Eurobarometer 344, Domestic Violence Against Women Report, September 2010]
As the only 24 hour service in the Western Region, Waterside
House, Galway gave face-to-face service to 750 women and children in 2013. They also accompanied 75 women to court.
If you or
someone you know are experiencing abuse, contact:
House Domestic Violence Outreach Service
Women's Aid at 1.800.341.900 from 10 am to 10 pm, 7 days a week
Please share
this post with anyone you suspect might need help. Don't
keep silent. Speak out. It's the only way to end the terror.
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